Ep 10: Women in academia: the underrepresented gender
Being “too ambitious”, not focusing on family “as much as they should” or being dismissed by their colleagues, being a woman in the academic field is often a path full of pitfalls. It might be discouraging but sometimes the results are worth the efforts put into it.
What does the path towards academia look like for women? Can we notice strong differences between France and India? How does gender impact the academic career? And to what extent? What could be made to temper those inequalities?
To answer some of these questions, Shachi Irde and Ségolène Bulot examine the articulations between academia, gender and other factors that impact the academic career. In the company of two guests, Emmanouela Mandalaki, a woman scholar at Neoma Business School in France, and Manisha Chachra, PhD student at the Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University from New Delhi, India, we will explore their personal experience and get a qualitative approach of their academic experience up to now.
Podcast Summary:
00:00: Introduction
01:27: What made you take up a career in academia?
03:46: How do you compare yourself as an academic to your male colleagues?
10:13: What difficulties and challenges have you encountered as you progressed through your career?
14:46: How do you think the culture in academia respond to your need to balance work and life?
17:45: In your opinion are there differences in how women and men approach to research?
24:05: Is harassment in the workplace reality in academia as well?
32:04: “The Matilda effect” – What steps are being taken at your workplace to ensure women get their due credit?
36:55: Conclusion.
37:29: Outro.
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